World Bee Day 2024 AIMA Lecture Series

The International Association of Agricultural Museums is pleased to share the recording of CELEBRATING WORLD BEE DAY – May 20, 2024 – available HERE. This webinar featured the rich traditions and vital importance of beekeeping.


Dr. Anupama K. is a palynologist and paleo-ecologist at the French Institute of Pondicherry, India. Using pollen grains, phytoliths, and other palynological and paleo-ecological techniques, her research adds a lot to what we know about past environments, ecosystems, and how plant communities change over time. The concepts of her study extend the significance of bees and other pollinators in ecosystems.

Lulseged Belayhun is a beekeeping manager at the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. His work at icipe encompasses a multidisciplinary approach that integrates scientific research, community engagement, and policy advocacy to promote sustainable beekeeping practices and enhance the contribution of bees to ecosystem health and human well-being in Ethiopia and beyond.

Željka Petrović Osmak is the museum advisor at the Ethnographic Museum in Croatia’s capital, Zagreb. She maintains an extensive collection of traditional economy including agriculture, animal husbandry, viticulture, olive growing, fishing, hunting, transportation, and beekeeping. In 2021 she recorded a film about beekeeping on Mihaljević’s farm in Okić.

Barbara Sosič, the museum chancellor and curator for rural agriculture at the Slovene Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana, Slovenia, is committed to preserving Slovenia’s beekeeping heritage. She researches traditional approaches while also addressing current issues affecting beekeepers and pollinators in the region.