AIMA shares announcements of colloquia and conferences hosted by AIMA member museums and affiliated organizations because these help AIMA fulfill its goal to facilitate regular conversations about issues of interest to agricultural museums world-wide.
The Agricultural History Society seeks nominations for the Effland-Grim-Reid Award for Public Engagement in Agricultural History. Details about what to include in the nomination (or self-nomination) appear here. Deadline: January 31, 2025. Submit to aghistorysociety at
2025: 150th anniversary of agricultural museums in Poland. To recognize this milestone, the National Museum of Agriculture and Food Industry in Szreniawa, Poland, is planning a conference, exhibition, and educational event for agricultural schools. Stay tuned for more details as they become available.
30 October – 2 November 2024. Sustainability in Practice: DIY Repair, Reuse and Innovation, a conference and accompanying exhibition held at the Estonian National Museum, Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu, Estonia. For information about the conference, and the call for papers, click HERE (which includes an email address for additional information).
24-26 September 2024. 11th International Conservation Conference convened as part of the 60th anniversary of the Museum of Agriculture and Food Industry in Szreniawa, Poland. For the official invitation from Director Jan Maćkowiak, click HERE
, and for the conference website, click HERE.
20-21 September 2024. Expo Rural María Grande. Museo de Maquinaria Agrícola de María Grande, Argentina. For more information see the MMANG Facebook Page.
7-10 June 2024 – Curating Living History: Preserving Skills and Intangible Culture. Hosted by Howell Living History Farm, Titusville, New Jersey, followed on 9-10 September 2024 with a virtual symposium. For more information:
April 2024 – 60th anniversary of the Museum of Agriculture and Food Industry in Szreniawa, Poland, founded in 1964 with collections transferred from the Museum of Industry and Agriculture established in Warsaw in 1875. Sixtieth anniversary events include a temporary exhibition focused on serfdom, the 11th International Conservation Conference (September 2024) and a photo competition “Village-city” with the goal of documenting photographically the life of the modern countryside and the changes taking place in its fabric and structure, and to record the moments when agriculture and gardening entered urban space.
30 novembre-01 décembre 2023 – Réflexions sur le devenir du patrimoine agricole et les missions des musées. Colloque AFMA/COMPA/MuCEM. Jeudi 30 novembre et vendredi 01 décembre 2023 au Conservatoire du Machinisme et des Pratiques Agricoles (COMPA), à Chartres . France . Le colloque AFMA-COMPA-MuCEM est destiné à être au plus près des acteurs et des différents publics des musées de société qui ont en charge des collections agricoles, de France et des pays francophones . Ces journées ont pour objectif de confronter les expériences et trouver des solutions pour développer l’attractivité des musées de société en milieux rural et urbain qui possèdent des collections agricoles dans leurs fonds. Il s’agit, d’une part, de proposer une relecture de ces collections, de les définir et de les questionner pour permettre, d’autre part, d’impliquer de nouveaux publics plus jeunes à ces problématiques et enjeux actuels. On trouvera ci joint le programme et les modalités d’inscription. (Lien vers le programme). Toute informations complémentaires auprès de l’AFMA France
13-18 October 2023 – AIMA 2023 Conference (20th Congress), with two host sites: 13, 14 and 15 October 2023 at Shoolini University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, and 16, 17, and 18 at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, which includes the oldest agricultural museum in Punjab, the Museum of Social History of Punjab.
11-14 September 2023 – Rural Museum 2023, Cluj-Napoka, Romania, biennial conference of the European Rural History Organization.
23-26 June 2023 – “The Future is Now: Rethink, Rejuvenate, Regenerate,” Call for Papers, Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums Annual Conference, Sauder Village, Archbold, Ohio, USA.
8-10 June 2023 – “Agricultural Pasts of the Climate Crisis,” Call for Papers, Agricultural History Society, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
5-7 October 2022 – Director Jan Maćkowiak, National Museum of Agriculture and Food Industry in Szreniawa, invites you to participate in Problems of Museums with Preservation and Conservation of Collections, the 10th International Conservation Conference. View the Invitation to Participate HERE and Apply to participate HERE.
4-6 August 2022 – Greening the Field(s), annual conference of the Agricultural History Society, Stavanger, Norway.
23-28 June 2022 – The Future of the Past, annual conference of the Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums (ALHFAM), hosted by Fort Nisqually Living History Museum, Tacoma, Washington, USA.
20-23 June 2022 – rescheduled Rural History 2021, the fifth biennial conference of the European Rural History Organization.
6-8 October 2021 – On behalf of Director Jan Maćkowiak, National Museum of Agriculture and Food Industry in Szreniawa, we cordially invite you to the 9th conservation conference of the series “Problems Connected with Preservation and Conservation of Collections in Museums.” We hope to host speakers in Szreniawa, but if the situation does not change, the conference will be on-line.
10-12 June 2021 – Looking Forward. . . The Next 50 Years ALHFAM’s virtual conference & annual meeting (Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums)
1-5 June 2021: Challenging Crops and Climates, 2021 conference of the Agricultural History Society, founded in 1919 to encourage and support scholarship in the history of agriculture and rural life.
8-9 May 2021 – Draft Animals in the Past, Present and Future (Presentations in English with one in French / présentations et discussion en anglais, sauf une fois en français). Announcement & Information / Annonce et inscriptions: EN –> FR –> Program Available / Programme disponible (EN):
4-7 May 2021 – «Collecter, Collectionner, Conserver» / “Gather, Collect ,Preserve” CTHS Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques [France Historical and Scientific Research Committee]. For information. For Registration. NOTE: for free access you must register as « Auditeur »
3-4 October 2019: “Livestock and Traditional Crops in the Cultural Heritage of Rural Areas,” an international scientific conference, will be held in the Szreniawa Palace at the National Museum of Agriculture and Agro-Food Industry in Szreniawa in Poland. The Call for Proposals outlines five themes: 1) Humans as part of the ecosystem in the process of domestication of plants and animals over the centuries; 2) The influence of animal husbandry development and crop cultivation on shaping the tangible and intangible human needs. 3) The use of farm animals and arable crops in education, therapy, tourism, rehabilitation, recreation, and sports; 4) Human ecological awareness fostered by traditional animal breeding and plant cultivation; and 5) Educational farms as a promoter of biodiversity and cultural heritage. To participate, Complete this Application Form and submit no later than 16 June 2019.
10-13 September 2019: Rural History 2019, the fourth biennial conference of the European Rural History Organization.
8-13 June 2019: “Rendezvous in Time: Widening Our Horizons of Interest,” the annual conference of the Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums (ALHFAM) at Sainte-Marie among the Hurons, Midland, Ontario, Canada.
10-12 October 2018: The National Museum of Agriculture and Food Industry in Szreniawa in Poland has released the Final Program for the 8th International Conservation Conference — “Problems Connected with Keeping and Conservation of Collections in Museums.” The conference is co-organized by the National Institute for Museums and Public Collections (registration form ANG). Translation services to-from English language provided.
25-30 November 2018: AIMA board member representing India, Surajit Sarkar, will host the annual AIMA board meeting and professional networking with agricultural museums in India. The meeting will be hosted by INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage – a pan-Indian trust), with Sarkar’s Centre for Community Knowledge at Ambedkar University Delhi as co-host. Focus: The policy context (food security); as well as perceptions of tradition/modernity (a special initiative of the International Council of Museums).
9-13 May 2017: The National Agriculture Museum of Estonia will host CIMA XVIII, the 18th triennial conferences of AIMA. Participate by proposing a workshop, paper or panel. Extend your trip with the optional post conference tour (14-15 May 2017).
12-14 October 2016: The 7th edition of the International Conservation Conference “Problems connected with Keeping and Conservation of Collections in Museums”, which will take place at the National Museum of Agriculture and Food Industry in Szreniawa in Poland (invitation letter mail K-ANG). The conference is co-organized by the National Institute for Museums and Public Collections (registration form ANG).
In July 2015 the International Association of Agricultural Museums and the Museum of English Rural Life at the University of Reading received a grant from the Internationalisation Fund of the University of Reading to offer two bursaries during the academic year 2015-2016 to students keen to gain experience through an internship at an agricultural museum. Bursary A is reserved for a student enrolled in a first degree course (BA, BSc or equivalent) outside Great Britain, to undertake an internship at the University of Reading, as hosted by the Museum of English Rural Life. Bursary B is reserved for a student enrolled in a first degree course (BA, BSc or equivalent) from the University of Reading to undertake an internship at an overseas museum affiliated with a higher education institution.
13-15 May 2016: “Animal Keeping and Traditional Plant Cultivation in Museum Education” an International Colloquium hosted by the National Museum of Agriculture and Food Industry, Szreniawa, Poland. Registration Form. Conference Schedule.