Traditions-Change-Sustainable Future: AIMA’s 2017 Conference

The National Agricultural Museum of Estonia is pleased to announce the Call for Papers and information about CIMA XVIII – the 18th conference of the International Association of Agricultural Museums (AIMA). Save the dates: 9-13 May 2017; with an optional tour on 14-15 May). Plan to participate: propose a workshop, paper or panel, or join conversations around themes… Continue reading Traditions-Change-Sustainable Future: AIMA’s 2017 Conference

American Literature and Agricultural Lessons

I’m pulling a panel together for Rural History 2017 (Leuven, Belgium, 11-14 September) on the following topic: American literature with rural or agricultural content taught in European schools. If you studied an American novel in school in Europe (grades before university) please post the author, title and brief summary of how the literature was included… Continue reading American Literature and Agricultural Lessons

Rural History 2017

Call for Panels Rural History 2017 11-14 September 2017 Leuven, Belgium It is a pleasure to announce Rural History 2017, the third biennial conference of the European Rural History Organisation (EURHO). The EURHO conferences aim at promoting the exchange of research questions and results, fostering co-operation between scholars engaged in the history of rural Europe… Continue reading Rural History 2017

PROCEEDINGs 2014 AIMA Congress in Marseille, France

Copies of CIMA XVII Proceedings (held November 2014 in Marseille, France) (Mucem_Sommaire, 242 pages, colours) are available for the price of 19 euros each + shipping (from France). Upon ordering, please kindly indicate shipping & billing information with your request   . AFMA 15 rue de la Convention 75015 Paris France Des exemplaires CIMA XVII… Continue reading PROCEEDINGs 2014 AIMA Congress in Marseille, France

AIMA Praesidium Meeting Agenda, 2-5 July 2015

The executive committee of the International Association of Agricultural Museums (AIMA) will meet July 2-5, 2015 at the Museum of English Rural Life, University of Reading, in Reading, England. The meeting will include formal AIMA business but also conversations about the meaning of rural history and the strategies that museums take to keep rural and… Continue reading AIMA Praesidium Meeting Agenda, 2-5 July 2015

European Rural History Organization (EURHO)

The European Rural History Organization (EURHO) exists to “promote the study of all aspects of rural history in Europe and beyond.” The biennial conferences include formal panel presentations and plenary addresses as well as field trips to rural sites with distinctive regional culture. The 2015 conference (Girona, Spain) will include a plenary address on agricultural museums… Continue reading European Rural History Organization (EURHO)


The AIMA Board members will meet at the Museum of English Rural Life in Reading, England (July 2-6, 2015). The gathering expects to review the Strategic Plan for 2015-2018, prepare for the next annual board meeting, in conjunction with the Animals in Agricultural Museums conference at the Polish National Agricultural Museum near Szreniawa, Poland, and… Continue reading AIMA to MERL

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