Grand Messe des Bouviers du Monde

Le “Draft Cattle Symposium” au Laboratoire de Plein-Air Lauresham sur le Site UNESCO de l’Abbaye de Lorsch en Allemagne, 8-10 Mars 2024 Voir des vues aériennes et autres vidéos de la rencontre (Courtoisie Lauresham et Arbeitsgruppe Rinderanspannung) i Cette rencontre était le produit de convergences entre divers acteurs et réseaux intéressés par les bœufs de… Continue reading Grand Messe des Bouviers du Monde

World Milk Day 2024 AIMA Lecture Series

The International Association of Agricultural Museums is pleased to share the recording of WORLD MILK DAY – 1 June 2024 – available HERE. The program conveyed the importance of milk and dairy products for pastoralists across time and place. Program: Debra Reid, PhD, Curator of Agriculture and the Environment, The Henry Ford, Dearborn, Michigan, USA:… Continue reading World Milk Day 2024 AIMA Lecture Series

World Bee Day 2024 AIMA Lecture Series

The International Association of Agricultural Museums is pleased to share the recording of CELEBRATING WORLD BEE DAY – May 20, 2024 – available HERE. This webinar featured the rich traditions and vital importance of beekeeping. Program Dr. Anupama K. is a palynologist and paleo-ecologist at the French Institute of Pondicherry, India. Using pollen grains, phytoliths,… Continue reading World Bee Day 2024 AIMA Lecture Series

Draft Cattle Capture a World Audience

The Draft Cattle Symposium in Lauresham Open-Air Laboratory at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Kloster Lorsch in Germany, 8-10 March 2024 To say the very least of this remarkable meeting, it has been “a-building” for many years through efforts from many and varied partners and institutions, among them the AIMA, several of whose members… Continue reading Draft Cattle Capture a World Audience

Filmjölk – The Swedish Yoghurt

In Sweden, many of us start the day with some yoghurt or fil for breakfast. The yoghurt and fil we eat nowadays is not the traditional homemade soured milk we ate before industrialization, but the products are closely related. Yoghurt as a product has only been produced in dairies in Sweden. In the time before… Continue reading Filmjölk – The Swedish Yoghurt

Categorised as Yoghurt

Sourdough or “sourfaux” Bread

Bread in a Healthy Food System The Real Bread Campaign is a part of the SUSTAIN alliance of organisations and communities working together for a better system of food, farming and fishing. SUSTAIN advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living… Continue reading Sourdough or “sourfaux” Bread

Categorised as Bread

The Blessing of Bread in Latvia

By Indra Cekstere. My interest in traditional Latvian bread-baking is rooted in my childhood, because my mother and grandmother on my father’s side both baked rye bread at home. At that time (in the mid-20th century) this was common in all of Latvia. As a child I was allowed to watch everything and to make… Continue reading The Blessing of Bread in Latvia

Categorised as Bread

Rye bread is THE heritage bread in Estonia and here’s why

In the Estonian language, we usually translate the English word “bread” as “leib”. What we mean by “leib” is a loaf made primarily using rye flour. It might be whole-grain or refined, the loaves might have seeds or herbs, meat or nuts added. It might be made using traditional sourdough or yeast (like most breads… Continue reading Rye bread is THE heritage bread in Estonia and here’s why

Categorised as Bread

Museum Education Fighting Food Waste in Estonia

The Estonian Rural Museums Foundation offers various educational programmes on the past, present, and future of agriculture and food. Learning about our national rye bread, potatoes, vegetables, poultry and eggs, bees and honey are just a few of the topics. This fall a new programme on the food cycle was introduced, targeting students from middle… Continue reading Museum Education Fighting Food Waste in Estonia

The industrialisation of butter production in the second half of the 19th century

– spontaneous skimming and skimmed milk machines. [AIMA member Fabien Knittel has proposed a brief article as a follow-up to publication of his books Agronomie et techniques laitières, Le cas des fruitières de l’Arc jurassien, 1790-1914 (Agronomy and dairy techniques, traditional mountain cheese-making in the Jura) and La Fabrique du lait. Europe occidentale (Moyen Âge-XXe… Continue reading The industrialisation of butter production in the second half of the 19th century

Cervoise (Barley Beer) – an Experimental Drink

at Malagne, Archéoparc de Rochefort (Rochefort ArcheoPark), Belgium. By Florence Garit, Scientific Collaborator, Malagne. The first-century CE Gallo-Roman villa located in Belgium on the site of Malagne, the Rochefort ArcheoPark, takes its visitors on a journey back in time (1). In addition to the visible remnants of two residential buildings, the domain also has reconstituted… Continue reading Cervoise (Barley Beer) – an Experimental Drink