The Executive Committee

AIMA members elect officers and counselors to the Executive Committee. They serve three-year terms. These individuals manage AIMA activities and deliver member services, i.e., General Assembly meetings and regular Congresses for AIMA members. The Terms of Reference, Roles, and Responsibilities (adopted by the AIMA General Assembly, December 7, 2021) define their work.

Members of AIMA Executive Committee 2021-2023

Elected by the AIMA General Assembly on 7 December 2021 during the virtual General Assembly meeting.


President: Claus Kropp (Germany)

First Vice President (Congress): Surajit Sarkar (India)

Second Vice President (Networks): Barbara Sosič (Slovenia)

Third Vice President (Strategic Planning): Isabel Hughes (England)

Secretary General & Website Coordinator: Debra A. Reid (USA)

Treasurer: Pierre Del Porto (France)


Ollie Douglas, England  

Cozette Griffin-Kremer, France (Membership Director & Communications Director)

Nerupama Modwel, India, with Vijay Aditya, India (AIMA 2023 Conference)

Peter Moser, Switzerland

Bob Powell, Scotland, and Paul Starkey, England (Scientific Committee representative – one EC vote)

Yves Segers, Belgium, and Chantal Bisschop, Belgium (Advisory Committee representative – one EC vote)

Pete Watson, USA, and Barbara Corson, USA alternate (one EC vote)

Lena Zoll, Germany (Social Media Coordinator)


Audit Committee, 2021-2023

Cameron Archer, Australia

Anne Jorunn Frøyen, Norway

Jacques Holtz, France


Members of previous Executive Committees can be seen here.

The minutes of previous Executive Committee Meetings can be seen here.